Frequently Asked Questions

Last Updated: 01/23/23

What does our Booster Club do, and why do we need it?

Our Booster Club supplements the financial and manpower needs of running the Aledo Dance Program, not covered by Aledo ISD. 100% of the funds we raise from membership and sponsorships are used to benefit all the students of the Aledo Dance Program. These donations will help the team with the expense of uniforms, costumes, meet entry fees, choreography, music and editing, additional training, scholarships, updating equipment, and much more!

Do I need to join the Booster Club to volunteer my time or help?

No. While we encourage everyone to join, and the membership dues play an essential part in our ability to fund activities for the students, you do not need to be a Booster Club member to volunteer. However, by joining the Booster Club, you are helping and supporting the hard-working students who put so much time and effort into an activity they love. All help is appreciated!

How can I get involved without being pressured into doing more than I can?

We do hope every parent/family will feel some ownership of supporting the Aledo Dance Program. Please remember that volunteering comes with the reward of enjoying fellowship and camaraderie with other parents and the joy of seeing the Dancers reach their potential. The best thing to do is contribute when you can and feel confident that you can say no when you cannot.

I want to be involved, but it seems like everything is covered. Am I needed?

Yes! Every year there is always a critical need to find new parents to step in and help as “graduating parents” leave. Watch for volunteer opportunities. If you are not receiving volunteer emails by the start of school, contact the Membership Chair or any officer of the Club to talk about opportunities to share your time and talents. We may have your contact information wrong. Please feel free to email us also at [email protected] with any questions.

I work during the day. What can I really do?

Many of the Booster Board members, work full or part-time. The Boosters help at many events/activities in the evenings and on the weekends – football games, selling merch at games, and performances/contests. There are also needs like: uniform repair/maintenance, coordinating the Spring Program, and many other things that you can work at on your own time at home. Please contact us to explore options that fit your schedule and/or watch for volunteer opportunities via email.

I’m afraid to sign-up for something if I don’t really know the time commitment involved. Whom can I ask?

Any Board member or Committee Chair will be happy to speak with you and give you information about what each event or role entails. You can also email us at [email protected].

If I join Boosters, do I have to attend the monthly meetings?

No, you are invited and welcome to attend our Booster Club meetings, but you are not required to attend. With the booster membership, you do have voting rights at the meetings.

How can I stay up to date?

Become an Aledo Dance Booster member and receive the Aledo Dance Team email announcements, and join Aledo Dance Boosters meetings, which is an excellent opportunity to meet other dance parents and develop your network of friends to communicate with directly.

Once a member, you can download the BAND application from your local app store or visit and join the Aledo Dance  Boosters Group